Founded in 1994, the Agency for Social Analyses (ASA) is an independent, non-profit making public policy oriented Think-Tank organization specialized in training and all kind of social research...
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Latest news
Bulgaria returns to the family of European Social Survey (ESS) after 5 years break, now with a new status - ESS ERIC and succesfully completed its 5th ESS modules. The National coordinator of the ESS ERIC continues to act the director of the ASA - Dr. Lilia Dimova.
Background of Bulgarian participation in the ESS
Bulgaria recovered its participation in the ISSP after the break of 5 years and in 2018 succesfully completed its 20th ISSP module. The National Coordinator of the ISSP continues to be the director of the ASA - Dr. Lilia Dimova.
Backgrounf of Bulgarian participation in the ISSP

Meeting of the ISSP national coordinators with Ms. Sumitra Mahajan from Indian Parliament in 2019

Meeting of the ESS National Coordinators in London, 2019
The ASA"s activities include:
- Design, conduct and analysis of local, regional, national and cross-national research projects
- Organizing conferences, seminars, workshops, round-tables, brainstorms and other forums
- Design, development and monitoring of social marketing programs and campaigns
- Organizing training courses
- Conducting training courses on Customer Services
- Publishing books, brochures, articles, code-books
- Make social, political and institutional assessments
The ASA provides the following services:
- All kind of qualitative and quantitative research
- Social surveys
- Computing data
- Data analyses
- Training of adults
- Social political and institutional assessments
- Consulting on social, economic and political issues
- Design and development of social marketing programmes
The clients of the ASA are national and international public and private bodies, universities, Think-Tank organizations, research and academic communities, policy-makers, opinion-makers, decision-makers, trade union organizations, governmental and non-governmental organizations and centers...
Data & analyses do we have |
The database of the ASA consists of highly complex datasets of comparable social data, covering wide-range social, economic and political issues for the period 1993 - 2006.
The ASA annually follows the poverty and the culture of poverty dynamics in the country implementing world standard methodical approaches of poverty measurement...
The ASA data provide substantial empirical evidences that poverty has been a comparatively new phenomenon in Bulgaria, grown by and accompanying the global transformations. People in the country perceive the current poverty as "impoverishment", loss of social statuses, deterioration of their living standard, social "de-classing". Before the beginning of transformations the majority of people felt as "neither poor, nor rich", in the middle of the Rich - Poor pyramid (Mean 5.07 to 6.23 of the 10-point scale). Fifteen years later, much more people feel closer to the bottom, nearer to the poverty trap...
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